Len Payne


I am the CTO of a software company that builds tools for food banks and other hunger relief organizations. I was introduced to BattleSnake through a post on the Canada.ai Slack. Seeing a competition that pits people to code against each other, that helps benefit Food Banks Canada? That's awesome. I grabbed some of my team and we started building a Snake in our spare time out of PHP scraps and gumption. It went... okay. Stay Home and Code (SHAC) came and went, and we... well, we participated. Since SHAC, I built a new snake framework in a different set of technologies (still PHP, just not the same bits of PHP.) It's smarter, and I've had a lot of fun with the Summer League challenges. But it's still not doing any ML/DL/RL of any kind. We're sticking to decision trees and A* algorithms along a graded map. It's put the snake in a higher tier, but not quite battling for supremacy with Pruzze yet.

Joined Apr 07, 2020


Global Rating


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Challenger OV-099

Snake tweaked specifically to take on challenges.

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Snake built with Swoole and PHP. Uses a graded map and the A* algorithm for pathfinding.

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Second deployment of my primary snake. Designed to be second-fiddle in squad games.

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We made this in PHP in our spare time in the two weeks leading up to Stay Home and Code. It is 100% decision-tree based, and learns nothing. Dumb as rocks, and a little old school. Built in Amphp for the HTTP layer, because we felt Symfony was overkill for an API.


We made this in PHP in our spare time in the two weeks leading up to Stay Home and Code. It is 100% decision-tree based, and learns nothing. Dumb as rocks, and a little old school. Built in Amphp for the HTTP layer, because we felt Symfony was overkill for an API.

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"Bless the Maker and His water. Bless the coming and going of Him. May His passage cleanse the world. May He keep the world for His people." -Frank Herbert

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The Jabberwock

Built in Go, designed to use the Official Rules to determine next movesets.

Saved Games

Mega Royale #3 - 26-Jun-2021

Royale mode, 8 Battlesnakes, 25x25 Board, 190 Turns

Mega Royale #2 - 26-Jun-2021

Royale mode, 8 Battlesnakes, 25x25 Board, 250 Turns

Mega Royale #1 - 26-Jun-2021

Royale mode, 8 Battlesnakes, 25x25 Board, 278 Turns